Sunday, August 26, 2007

Daddy's Laptop

Daddy ALWAYS remembers to put his laptop away when he's done with it, but yesterday he was distracted because I wasn't feeling well, and he forgot and left it on the coffee table. I think he thought that I wouldn't feel like getting up to play with it, but he was wrong.

Mommy always says "There's no great loss without some small gain," but I've never really known what that meant. (Mommy says a lot of stuff that Daddy and I don't understand.) But now I've got it figured out. It means that whenever you're sick, like I am, you get to do stuff that Mommy and Daddy don't normally let you do. Here's a couple of pictures to prove it. Daddy even let me log in and blog for a while, all on his laptop!

1 comment:

aunt b said...

I love you Zackie. I'll visit soon. Hope you're feeling better.
