Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Monday, February 18, 2008

New Skills.

Mommy says I am in a "skills acquisition phase" right now. I don't really know what that means, do you?

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Dinnertime with Daddy.

Somehow, Daddy even manages to play theme music while I eat dinner. Wonder how he does that?

Friday, February 15, 2008

Valentine's Day

Last night, Mommy and Daddy got to go ride on this:


And I had to stay at Ms. Sieglinde's house FOREVER! I don't like it when the big people do stuff without me!

Thursday, February 14, 2008


I've learned that sometimes, I just have to do things to keep Mommy happy.

Mommy thinks I look "precious" all decked out like a duck.

I personally think I look like a quack.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


I believe that I mentioned this in an earlier post, but I'd just like to reiterate:


Tuesday, February 12, 2008

My hat.

Aunt Barbie brought me a cool new hat. It's red, and it has ties, and it's all wooly inside, and it looks a lot like Elmer Fudd's hat. I prefer to wear it all the time. Especially inside.

But most importantly, I really really prefer to wear it to bed. Sometimes Mommy sneaks it away from me, but I just go into the closet and get it out. That way, when I wake up in the morning, get out of my bed, and go off in search of Mommy, I can already have it on and be ready for whatever the day has in store.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Some presents.

Here are some of the presents that I got for my birthday:

Mommy and Daddy gave me some stuff that was still wrapped in Christmas paper. I'm just a little suspicious about that...

Grandma and Grandpa Johnson gave me this cool new dump truck.

Katie gave me this microphone that I can sing into. It is also great for a little impromptu karaoke. Mommy promised to teach me all the words to Strawberry Wine so I can win $25.

Granny is really practical (like my Mommy). She gave Mommy money to buy me diapers with (Huggies only, of course!)

Aunt Barbie got me this cool wagon, plus some binoculars, PLUS she bankrolled the Chuck E. Cheese visit for me.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Birthdays are fun!

I had the best time on my birthday!

Mommy and Daddy and Aunt Barbara took me to Chuck E. Cheese, and I loved it!

I drank fizzy red drinks,

And ate pizza,

And rode rides!

Oh, and did I mention that I got PRESENTS? There were so many good ones, I'll save that for another post! Being two is a whole lot nicer than being one, I can tell you that!

Saturday, February 2, 2008

My birthday's tomorrow.

Can you guys believe that I used to look like this?

What a difference a couple of years makes, huh?

Happy birthday to me!