Friday, June 20, 2008

My most recent haircut.

Those of you who have known me for a while know that I have A LOT of hair, and that it grows pretty fast. Therefore, haircuts are pretty important to me.

My Daddy is in charge of the haircut situation, or at least he has been since what my Mommy refers to as "the day she decided I would be an only child." The nice man who cuts my hair is named Bobby, and he is a great guy who's pretty patient with me.

As you can see, though, I am apparently a perfect angel when Daddy takes me in for a cut. I sit quietly in the chair, smile and giggle appropriately when I get tickled, and am just otherwise a perfectly well behaved toddler child.

All you can see here is some appropriate giggling when I get tickled. You couldn't ask for a better kid.

I would never misbehave in public, now would I, Mommy?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Zackie, you're the perfect angel. As you mentioned in your last post, your Mommy is falling apart.

Remember, sometimes she gets confused.

Love you,