Thursday, December 27, 2007

The "Clean" Gene

Apparently the gene that makes you want to clean all the time must skip generations, because my Granny and I sure have it, but if the truth is known, Mommy and Daddy do not. For Christmas, my Granny got me my most favorite present. It's a REAL VACUUM! It makes noise, and lights up, and it really picks up dirt! I've been trying to get this house cleaned up a little bit. It's still a mess (Mommy and Daddy tend to leave things all over the place) but I'm trying hard to make it sparkle.


katie said...

That is the best cleaning I have seen in a long time. Do you need a job? I understand that the local B&N may be in need of a new cleaner.

Natalie said...

Zackie, can you say "child labor laws?" Might want to mention that to your mommy.